I love entries when we have the time and space to be creative. Entires sometimes we can look at like powder rooms – a place to take a bit more risk and have fun with. We’ve been building this palette, exploring furniture pieces we love with vintage finds. I have to admit to being a little bit obsessed with the vintage chandelier! Its this pretty turquoise glass – so unique. We’re now going back to see what we might do with the millwork, the decorating is shaping up well, but I am thinking we need some great ceiling detail – we’ll see!

Kristina Crestin Design_entry w vintage teal light

Finding a set of sconces that could work with the chandelier and not fight it sometimes is a challenge. Right now I am loving this set of brass sconces from the 60’s. They are so cool! They’d look great flanking the deep teal painting. I think we need them!

Kristina Crestin Design_green rug and vintage sconces

Sourcing: Console from John Pomp through Studio 534, Vintage brass sconces from Rewire, a pair of Sergio Mazza sconces from the 60’s.  Rug from Warp and Weft.

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